After you’ve finished lounging on the beach sipping cocktails then relaxing in Bali villas, anywhere else with lower temperatures will seem ice cold. After all, it doesn’t take long to acclimatise to the warm and tropical climes in Bali, soaking up the rays after being office-bound for eight hours a day.
However, now that you have experienced luxury and extremely desirable temperatures, have you ever thought about visiting somewhere on the extreme end of the scale? Here are five of the coldest destinations that are well worth a visit. They may not offer the warmth and tropical atmosphere of Bali, but they sure do offer something unique and special.
Rovaniemi, Finland
If the less than balmy “average” temperature of -12 degrees Celsius doesn’t put you off, then it might be worth a trip to Rovaniemi in Finland. While there’s no denying you’ll need to rug up – to the point of wearing all your packed luggage as soon as you arrive – it will be well worth the experience.
In Finland during the winter, you may be cold, but you will be rewarded. Visiting in the middle of winter offers plenty of Christmas-like festive fun, while the possibility of seeing the Aurora Borealis is also another draw card as well.
Rogers Pass, Montana
If you weren’t already daydreaming about travelling to Bali and relaxing in Bali villas or poolside, then the thought of freezing your extremities off in Montana, United States will encourage it. Believe it or not, some of the coldest temperatures you will ever experience are only a short trip away to the United States.